Determination of Traditional Methods Used by Mothers to Wean Their Infants from Breast- Feeding
Research Article
P: 217-223
December 2018

Determination of Traditional Methods Used by Mothers to Wean Their Infants from Breast- Feeding

J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2018;71(3):217-223
1. Ordu Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Hemşirelik Bölümü, Ordu, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 18.07.2018
Accepted Date: 13.12.2018
Publish Date: 26.03.2019



This research was carried out to determine the traditional methods used by mothers to wean infants from breastfeeding.

Materials and Methods:

Descriptive type of planned study was conducted on mothers who referred to the pediatric polyclinic of a training and research hospital in the province of Ordu between 25 July and 25 August 2017. The universe of research mothers with children between 2-5 years of age (n=362) who applied to the pediatric outpatient clinic, the sample consisted of the mothers who met the research criteria (n=271). “Questionnaire Form” was used as data collection tool. Before starting the study, written permission from Ordu province Public Hospitals Union and verbal consent from mothers who participated in the study were taken. The data were assessed by using descriptive statistics, chi-square test and t-test.


It was found that the average time it took the mothers in the study to wean their infants was 15.96±9.34 month, 25.1% had difficulties while weaning their infants and 25.5% used traditional methods. Of the mothers who used traditional methods, it was found that 48% put tomato paste on their nipples, 28.4% put pepper, 25.4% gave nutritional supplement with feeding bottle, 20.7% gave pacifier, 14% sent the infant to another place, 11.1% taped the nipple with a black tape and 10% applied black on the nipple. Of the mothers who used traditional method, 55.1% stated that they learned the method from family members, 85.5% stated that the method used worked, 69.6% stated that the infant reacted to the method by crying and 68.3% stated that they had difficulty in applying the method.


Within the context of the study, some of the mothers stated that they used traditional methods to wean the infant and most of the mothers stated that their infants reacted to the method used by crying. According to these results, it is recommended that breast-feeding mothers are given training and counseling about weaning by nurses.

Keywords: Breast Milk, Weaning, Traditional Method, Nursing


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