To evaluate the correlation of the diffusion values in lumbar intervertebral discs with disc degeneration and age.
Materials and Methods:
Diffusion-weighted imaging of the lumbar spine was performed in fifty patients. ADC values were recorded for each disc. All discs were visually as being normal or as showing at least one of two MR findings of degeneration on sagittal T2 weighted images. Mean ADC values of normal discs were compared with those of degenerated discs and were correlated with age and anatomic location. Data were analyzed by using Mann Whitney test, Kruskal Wallis test, and Sperman’s correlation statistics.
The mean ADC value was 1.82 ± 0.20 x 10-3 mm2/sec in normal discs and 1.30 ± 0.47 x 10-3 mm2/sec in abnormal discs. No a statistically signicifant dependence of lumbar disc ADC on anatomic location was reported. There was a correlation between age and mean ADC values of lumbar discs.
A statistically significant decrease was seen in the ADC values of degenerated lumbar discs when compared with ADC values of normal discs. Diffusion MR imaging may be useful tech-nique in the evaluation of degenerative disc disease.