Rare Clinical Variants of Pilomatricoma
Case Report
P: 42-46
March 2008

Rare Clinical Variants of Pilomatricoma

J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2008;61(1):42-46
1. S.B. Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2. Plastik Cerrahi Kliniği
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 12.09.2007
Accepted Date: 09.11.2007


Pilomatricoma (calcifiying epithelioma of Malherbe ) is a benign adnexal tumor of hair matrix cells. Pilomatricomas are usually observed as solitary lesions. Pilomatricoma mostly makes peaks in the first and sixth decades. Female to male ratio is 3/2. More than 50% of the lesions are found on head and neck region, and 25-30% of the lesions are found on the upper extremities. The rest occurs in the trunk and rarely in the lower extremities. Pilomatricoma is not rare entity. On the contrary, multiple and perforating forms of pilomatricoma are rare entities. Although pilomatricoma is not hereditary as a rule, there are limited familial pilomatricoma cases which are published in the literature. The patients, who come to our clinic during three years and histologically diagnosed as having the pilomatricoma were analysed. Rare clinic variants of pilomatricoma that familial multiple pilomatricoma, perforating pilomatricoma are reported. In spite of the small number of the patients in our series, we believe that familial multiple pilomatricoma and perforating pilomatricoma cases will supply the literature.

Keywords: pilomatricoma, familial, multiple, perforating


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