Chronic urticaria is one of the enigmas of dermatology. Although studies have shown that %30 - 50 of cases are autoimmune in origin exact role of contact sensitization is still unclear. Objectives: Prick tests are recommended for etiologic work up of chronic urticaria. We aimed to evaluate patch and prick test reactivities in patients with chronic urticaria and compare patch test reactivities with healthy controls.
Material and Methods:
We enrolled 27 patients and 20 healthy controls to the study. Patients are selected so that they didn`t have a history of allergic rhinitis,conjunctivitis, eczema or contact ur-ticaria and had negative intradermal autologous tests. All laboratory examinations were normal. Both patch and prick tests are performed after the acute flare is over and their madicationa have been stopped for at least 4-6 weeks while only patch test is performed to the controls.
Fourteen of 27 patients had at least one positive patch test result. Prick test positivity was present in 14 patients as well. Seven of patch positive patients were prick negative and vice versa. Six patients didn`t have either patch or prick test positivities. Out of 20 control subjects 4 had positive patch test results.
Patch test positivity was as frequent as prick test positivity. Comparing with healthy controls contact sensitization may be more prevalent in patients with chronic urticaria however whether this is the reason or the result of urticaria is to be further evaluated.