As a risk factor for childhood swallowing corrosive substance and results of burns are very frequently,The aim of this study was to evaluate the managment of our 89 patient admitted among to 2004-2009 years of corrosive substance ingestion and the success of the early period of conservative treatment.
Materials and Methods:
We retrospectively analyzed the managment of 89 pediatric cases corrosive substance ingestion first 24-48 hours whom consisted of prompt endoscopy. There were 63 male (70 %), 26 female (30 %) patients age ranges 2 month to 16 years. Treatment protocols were chosen according to the initial endoscopic evaluations.
77 patients (86,5%) were found to have esophageal burns and 2 patients(2,2 %)of them underwent treatment for stricture formation.patient with grade 2a -2b injuries in endoscopic evaluation needed at least 3 months dilatations programe.There were no esophageal rupture our cases. We observed at least 2 years dilatation after there were no reccurense.
Corrosive agents should keep away from a children result of esophageal damage. It s a very good clinical progress about to ingestion diluated corrosive agent. Our clinical experience there were a best result which we started conservative therapy and steroids in early stage.