We aimed to present a case of syphilis presenting with only ocular involvement and no dermatologic or neurologic or other systemic findings. In the patient who had blurred vision and decreased color vision in the left eye that started 3 months ago. In laboratory and radiological examinations for optic neuritis etiology, we detected the presence of syphilis with serological tests such as venereal disease research laboratory and treponema pallidum hemagglutination test. Ophthalmoscopic examination of the patient was normal on the left, and the visual evoked potential latency was longer than on the right. The patient was considered to have chronic retrobulbar neuritis. Optic involvement of syphilis can usually be unilateral or bilateral perineuritis, anterior or retrobulbar neuritis, or papilledema. In the presentation of optic neuritis observed in syphilis, there is often an expected asymptomatic course, but sometimes rapidly progressive vision loss may occur. In this case, a case of neurosyphilis presenting with isolated optic neuritis who is symptomatic, has a good clinical response to the primary treatment of syphilis and has almost completely healed is presented.