Research Article

The Students’ Feedback on Clinical Skills Practices in Ankara University School of Medicine


  • İpek Gönüllü
  • F. Begüm Atasay
  • Șengül Erden
  • Derya Gökmen
  • Gülfem E. Çelik

Received Date: 09.08.2017 Accepted Date: 25.02.2018 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2018;71(1):1-8


The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of student feedbacks about their Clinical Skills practices in Ankara University School of Medicine.

Materials and Methods:

Data was collected from prepared feedback forms which the students were asked to fill about their clinical skills practices retrospectively. During 2010-2017 academic years 1579 from the first year, 1596 from the second and 1138 from the third year students participated in the study. Year specific feedback forms were prepared for each year. The form’s items were rated between 0 (exactly disagree) and 5 (exactly agree). Data were presented as mean ± standart deviation [median (minimum-maximum)].


In general the students’ mean scores were higher than 4.16 in the first year, 3.89 in the second year and 3.67 in the third year.


Positive feedbacks show that the students are generally satisfied with their clinical skills practices. Students think that clinical skills laboratories play an important role in the students’ basic clinical skills competencies.

Keywords: Medical Education, Clinical Skills Laboratory, Clinical Skills Training, Student Feedback