Case Report

The Importance of Clinical Examination in a Case of İmperforate Hymen Case Mimicking Ovarian Torsion


  • Merve Duman Küçükkuray
  • Özlem Balcı
  • Beytullah Yağız
  • Ergun Ergün

Received Date: 02.11.2019 Accepted Date: 05.02.2020 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2020;73(1):93-95

Imperforate hymen has been reported to occur in one in 2000 in females and it is mostly a sporadic event. In almost all cases, patients apply to the hospital with complaints of primary amenorrhea or pelvic pain. The diagnosis is made during physical examination. A 13 years old female patient was referred to our hospital with a preliminary diagnosis of ovarian torsion. Physical examination showed that the external genital organs were normal, but bulging-bombing with blue reflection (without straining) was found where the vestibule should be monitored. She was operated under general anesthesia for hematocolpos due to imperforate hymen. Physical examination may prevent unnecessary procedures and examinations and also accelerate the treatment process especially as in the cases that can be easily diagnosed with a special examination finding such as imperforate hymen.

Keywords: Acute Abdomen, Adolescent, Hymen, Pelvic Pain

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