Research Article

The Effect of Insulin Detemir on the Metabolic Control in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

  • Tolga Ünüvar
  • Ayhan Abacı
  • Ali Ataş
  • Ece Böber
  • Atilla Büyükgebiz

Received Date: 12.02.2009 Accepted Date: 27.04.2009 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2008;61(4):202-206


Since there is limited number of studies in medical literature regarding the efficiency of in-sulin detemir, decrease in number of night hypoglycemia, weight changes and the improvement the lipid profile in pediatric and adolescent age group, we planned a prospective study to analyze abovementioned issues.

Material and Method:

15 diabetic patients (10 male) with insufficient metabolic control and/ or morning hyperglisemia were included in to the study. The average age of the patients was 13.41±3.68 years and the average duration of diabetes was 5.03±1.74 years. Hemoglobin A1c levels, lipid levels and home glucose monitoring profiles were measured before and 32±2.32 months after substitution with insulin detemir.


After insulin detemir administration as basal insulin, the mean HbA1c values decreased from 9.08 % to 8.31 %. Total and LDL cholesterol values decreased significantly after detemir. The mean four point blood glucose profiles showed a significant decrease after the substitution with detemir. There was a decrease in the nocturnal hypoglycemia frequency and the rates were statis-tically significant differ before and after detemir. Daily insulin doses, bolus/basal rates and body mass index SDS of patients were not changed significantly before and after detemir.


In pediatric diabetic patients, insulin detemir as basal insulin is safe and significantly lowers glucose levels compared with NPH insulin. This pilot study showed that the substitution of NPH with detemir provides a better glycemic control without increased hypoglisemic events.

Keywords: Detemir, NPH, Type 1 diabetes mellitus