Case Report

Pityriasis Rotunda Associated With Mycosis Fungoides

  • Bengü Nisa Akay
  • Ezgi Ünlü
  • Aylin Okçu Heper
  • Hatice Şanlı

Received Date: 09.02.2010 Accepted Date: 15.03.2010 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2009;62(1):35-37

Pityriasis rotunda is an uncommon cutaneous disorder consisting of perfectly round to oval, scaly, asymptomatic patches localized on the trunk and extremities. The aetiology of this disease is as yet unknovvn. Some authors believe it to be a form of acquired or congenital ichthyosis or a cu-taneous manifestation of a systemic disease including tuberculosis, malnutrition, hepatocellular carcinoma, lymphoma, leukaemia, multiple myeloma, stomach cancer, cardiacand pulmonary disease. Hovvever there is no previous publication of pityriasis rotunda arising during the treat-ment of mycosis fungoides as in this case.

Keywords: Pityriasis Rotunda, Mycosisfungoides