Case Report

Massive Inguino-Scrotal Urinary Bladder Herniation

  • Osman Raif Karabacak
  • Alper Dilli
  • İdil Güneş Tatar
  • M.Nurettin Sertçelik

Received Date: 05.04.2010 Accepted Date: 24.06.2010 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2009;62(4):191-193

Massive urinary bladder herniation is an uncommon condition. A 65-year-old obese man was ad-mitted to our hospital complaining of dysuria, urinary frequency, urgency, two phased urination, recurrent urinary tract infection and a large scrotal mass. The patient was investigated with intra-venous pyelography (IVP), cystography and computed tomography (CT). A big mass of inguinal hernia consisting of a part of the urinary bladder and propagating to scrotum was detected. The hernia was explored, the herniated part of the bladder was retracted and repositioned, fascial de-fect was repaired. This case emphasizes that patients who complain of two phased urination and a scrotal mass should be evaluated carefully since bladder can be herniated to scrotum. Otherwise, patients going through operation for inguinal hernia may cause suprises for the surgeon.

Keywords: Bladder; Hernia; Scrotum; IVP, CT