Research Article

Adult Vaccination Unit Experience: City Hospital Model


  • Belgin Coşkun
  • Müge Ayhan
  • Rahmet Güner

Received Date: 11.08.2023 Accepted Date: 25.09.2023 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2023;76(3):213-219


Adult immunization is important for community health and preventive medicine. Since adult immunization is not compulsory, as in childhood vaccinations, opportunity to vaccination should not be missed. For this reason, we think that “Adult Vaccination Units” are important in hospitals. With this study, it is aimed to contribute to the spread of these units by sharing our “Adult Vaccination Unit” experience within our hospital.

Materials and Methods:

In this study, the vaccines made in the adult vaccination room of our hospital between 01.01.2021 and 31.12.2021 were evaluated. The first application of patients was analysed. The information of the patients was obtained from the vaccine registry and the data processing system, and the age, gender, referred unit to, the vaccine administered, and underlying diseases were recorded. It was checked from the data processing records of hospital whether the vaccinated people applied to the infectious diseases polyclinic with any complaints of side effects related to the vaccine within 1 week after the vaccination. Collected data are expressed as numbers and percentages.


In our unit, vaccination was applied to 1005 people within one year. The mean ages of vaccinated people were 37.64±14.35 and 55.2% were male. The most frequent applied vaccine was hepatitis B vaccine (44.2%), which was followed by tetanus vaccine (14.4%), pneumococcal vaccine (11.9%), meningococcal vaccine (11.4%), hepatitis A vaccine (9.3%) and Measles-Rubella-Rubeola vaccine (7.8%).


Importance of adult immunization increases due to the prolongation of life time and increased immunosuppressive treatments. Presence of vaccine units in hospitals where adult patients are followed due to their comorbidities, facilitates the meeting of these patients with the vaccine. Vaccination of more than a thousand people in a one-year period reveals the importance and functional potential of these units. For effective adult vaccinations, increase the ‘adult vaccination units’ in the country is very important.

Keywords: Adults, Immunization, Vaccine

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